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LiquaSan LD-200

LiquaSan LD-200

SKU: LD-200

LiquaSan thoroughly destroys most organic odor-causing contaminents and cleans enclosed areas without damaging components like ozone often does.  Shipped in individual dry packets which are activated when placed in cold tap water.  Activated product is a liquid.  Follow instructions to deodorize and cleanse enclosed spaces (see detailed product instructions).  Keep from bright light especially direct sunlight the room/area/vehicle/etc throughout entire deodorization process.  Best temperature range for treatment area is above 50F, above 70F is optimal.  Spray, fog, wipe or flood area/equipment according to specific product instructions.  Moving air at low speed throughout treatment area will be more effective.  Final cleaning, wiping or rinsing of treated area is normally not required.  Be aware that active liquid product is neutralized in direct sunlight. 


Use on wood, tile, concrete, canvas, porous & non-porous surfaces & fabrics that can be cleaned with water.  If using on fabrics, always do a colorfast test in an inconspicuous area.  Store in a dark, cool, insulated container (picnic coolers are great).


LiquiSan offers the consumer chlorine dioxide in a liquid form for deep penetration into porous surfaces where odors are trapped. It can be used on any and all substrates in autos, RV’s, boats, homes, hotels and storage spaces to neutralize virtually all odors.


LiquiSan is often used as a pre-treat prior to a DeOdorPro GAS treatment.


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    LiquaSan can be used on wood, tile, concrete, canvas, porous & non-porous surfaces & fabrics that can be cleaned with water.  If using on fabrics, always do a colorfast test in an inconspicuous area.  LiquiSan offers the user chlorine dioxide in a liquid form for deep penetration into porous surfaces where odors are trapped. It can be used on any and all substrates in autos, RV’s, boats, homes, hotels and storage spaces to neutralize virtually all odors.  LiquiSan is often used as a pre-treat prior to a DeOdorPro gas treatment.  Effective in sewage as well as all water loss cleanup (even "cat 3" water loss), storm damage, for mold and mildew mitigation, fungus neutralization, deodorizes bacterial odors, neutralizes smoke and most organic odors, etc


    KIT CONTAINS: 1 LiquaSan packet (BLUE) sealed inside a white foil pouch to make a  stock solution (do not open until ready to use)

    FOR MAKING THE SOLUTION: 5 gallon pail (packet needs to completely submerged)


    Use with a sprayerfogger or mop in bathrooms, kitchens, garage floors, basement floors, vehicle interiors and more.

    For fogger application tools, us a COLD WATER fogger. 

    WARNING! Do not use on: linen, suede, household carpets or instrument panels/displays and acrylics.  


    1. Open foil pouch at notch and remove blue LiquaSan packet. (DO NOT USE SCISSORS & NEVER OPEN BLUE PACKET).

    2. To make stock solution, place packet in prescribed amount of cold water. Put container out of sunlight and let sit for a minimum of 1 hour. Then gently stir until water is a yellowish‐gold color. DO NOT SHAKE CONTAINER AS IT WILL SEPARATE THE GAS FROM THE LIQUID.

    3. Thoroughly clean area to be treated.

    4. Based on your application use following dilution rates:
    Mopping all floors:
    1 part stock solution to 3 parts cold water

    Deodorizing hard surfaces:
    1 part stock solution to 1 part cold water

    Deodorizing all other surfaces:
    use stock solution made in step #2 


    1. Prior to application open doors and windows for proper ventilation (ALWAYS WORK IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA).

    2. For all floors mop or sponge and allow to air dry.

    3. For cleaning bathroom & other hard surfaces: use a sprayer bottle to apply LiqueSan to surface to be treated then wipe all surfaces to spread evenly and allow to air dry.

    4. For all other hard surfaces apply with commercial cold water fogger or hand-held pump sprayer and allow to air dry. 


    1. Maintain a well ventilated space and allow for a drying period.
    Use a fan to accelerate drying time.  


    1. If using sprayer during application, release pressure and carefully pour
    the remaining solution into a solid color plastic container with a lid.

    2. Be sure to rinse your applicator with clean water.

    3. Dispose of spent packet in an outdoor refuse container or composter as the packet is compostable.

    4. Any unused solution can be stored for up to 4 weeks in a cool, dark location.


    1. Place the solution in sunlight without a lid until it becomes clear. The solution is now diffused & can be safely discarded.

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